Sunday, November 1, 2009


So this morning I was getting ready for church and I was confused why most of my roommates were still sleeping. I knew it was Halloween last night and we all did stuff until late so I thought maybe they would just roll out of bed and go to church. So finally time for church came so I woke up one of my roommates, which is when I realized that church starts at 11am not 10am. I don't know how I was so confused. But now I have time to blog.

Halloween was so much fun. Last week I had a ward party so me and some friends were the spice girls. Can you guess which one I was?

Of course the spice girls had to take a picture with the Harry Potter Group

Then on the night of Halloween I was a boy scout...haha. I thought it was clever. And my friend Michelle was a pizza.

I was a pro at bobbing for apples. We actually got out a stop watch. 5 seconds flat, beat that.

And at the Halloween party I was at some friends wanted me to go trick or treating and I thought they were ridiculous but some how I got ropped into it. And surprisingly I got a lot of candy. No one even said we were too old.


Jen said...

anyone can go trick or treating as long as the dress up. LOVE the where you able to "scout" out any boys?

Stephanie Pulham said...

Nice costumes! Looks like a LOT of fun, and really, Trick-or-treating? Really?

Megan Marielle said...

lol, i'm surprised you weren't the one suggesting to go trick or treating!

Amanda C said...

Looks like it was a fun time! You are very cute in both costumes. And, I also think the boy scout costume was very clever.

Anonymous said...

Spice girls? It looks like you had a lot of fun.