Monday, April 30, 2012

Summer has officially started!

One thing I love about Utah is there are so many Outdoor activities to do. And hiking is one of my favorite things to do. So on Friday after I finished work, my friend, Brooke, and I drove down to St George. It was very spontaneous. And went hiking at Zion's National Park, it was free because it was National Parks Weekend. We hiked a few hours on Saturday and then drove back that night. It was so beautiful down there. It was sunny and 80 degrees. I couldn't ask for more perfect weather. Although I have to say the most exciting part of the trip was driving back when Brooke said "Oh no, the gas light just came on. I hope there's a gas station before we run out of gas." FYI, in between Fillmore and Nephi, there are essentially no gas stations. Luckily we made it to a gas station before we ran out but it was a stressful 30 minutes.

This is me and Brooke on the Emerald Pools hike.The pools were beautiful.

And here I am near a very high cliff of the East Rim Trail. I wasn't even afraid. Look, at me conquering my fear of heights. Next fear to conquer: the dark.


Jen said...

that is great that the weather is so nice and you get to enjoy all that Utah has to offer.

Adele said...

I'm jealous of the incline. I love hiking, but here it is all flat. I still do lots of hiking, but it is more like walking.