Monday, June 15, 2009

Catching up on the month

Ok so somehow I have forgotten to put a hilarious video of my mom up. Ok so me and my sis, Lynette, were cracking each other's backs. My mom came running in from the other room and asked us to crack her back too. However, it was a missunderstanding because she meant that she wanted a massage. So lets just say she was

Ok and here is a picture of when I was at home in April (I know its kind of old). I was babysitting my nephew Phillipi and he wanted lunch but he wouldn't eat the sandwich I made him or crackers or even a quesadilla. So I offered him some honeycomb cereal which he then dipped in ranch (the ranch was on the plate from the quesadilla) and happily ate. He ate a full plate of honeycomb dipped in ranch. I thought it might be good so I tried it, but it was as disgusting as it sounds.

Ok so Memorial Day was a blast. I went to My aunt, Ozi, house for breakfast. It was the first real breakfast I have had in a long time. We had pancakes, sausage, english muffins and watermelon. It was delicious. We also played games in the yard witht he younger kids. Here is a picture of me and my uncle, Steve.
And me and my cousin, Lisa.I just thought this picture was funny because my cousins (who are all in their 30's) told the little kids they should go play soccer but next thing you know it was the two older brothers playing against each other, not really letting the kids

This outfit was inspired by my sis, Adele. She had a prom-like skirt and wore it with flats and a T-shirt and it looked good. I had also had a skirt like that and wasn't sure how to wear it, so I copied her look. Thanks Adele.Ok so there are 3 days left and then I will be completely done with school for the summer (finals and everything). One thing that goes along with the end of school is papers and projects. Here is my final project for humanities. I took this painting (first pic) and recreated it into a modern sculpture (second pic). I would just like to say that, in my opinion, modern art is not art, but what do you think?


Anonymous said...

That art thing is much cooler than you give yourself credit for. Also, who are you kidding? There is no way to can keep up with me and my sense of style (the prom skirt was Jen's idea, remember?). J/K
This was a fun post to read. You should post more often.

Jen said...

i enjoyed the post.