Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Nickelcade

My cousins have been in town, so we decided to party O-town style . Well, as everyone knows, the most fun thing to do on a Saturday Night in Orem, UT is Disco Skating, but apparently you have to be at least 16 (lame). As my most fun cousin, Kat, isn't 16, we decide to blow off Classic Skating and rock it out at the Nickelcade.

Although my coolest and most favorite cousin Lisa blew me out of the water on DDR, I still had a blast. We used almost all our tickets to buy tons of those fruity tootsie rolls--I had forgotten how fantastic those are. They are addicting! When I left the Nickelcade, I had a huge handful. By the time I got to the house, I had nothing but wrappers and I had no idea why. We were all a little sugar buzzed. Here we are on our post-Frooties high:

If YOU ever find yourself in O-Town on a Saturday night and you love living out your gambling compulsions, DDRing like a fool, racing cars, and using tickets to buy legalized drug candies and slap bracelets, the NICKELCADE is the place to be.


Amanda C said...

Melissa YOU are hilarious....or is it Lisa who is hilarious?? I am not really sure. Either way the Nickelcade rocked and I see a bowling league in our future.

Stephanie Pulham said...

It looks like you guys had tons of fun. Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

That looks so fun. Thanks for the silly photo. I can't wait to see you.