Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Beach!

I went to the Baltic Sea this weekend and it was incredible. It was pretty warm (mid-80’s) and I got a much needed tan. The town we went to was a rather small town about 3 hours away from Berlin. When we got off the bus, they told us that we would have a few hours to look at the sights of the town (aka. a church and a lighthouse) and then we could have a little time to go to the beach. Seeing the church and the lighthouse took about 30 minutes so we spent the next 7 hours on the beach. It was a perfect day. Below is a picture of me on the lighthouse. It was pretty cool because I had never actually been in a lighthouse. Surprisingly I was not afraid of how high this lighthouse was either.

And the beach was beautiful. The sand was white and the water was clear. Clearly I am overjoyed with being on the beach again.


Karen L. said...

Wow, nice beach shot. Alloy probably will want it for their summer catalog...

Stephanie Pulham said...

Looks like fun! Love the lighthouse posing.